We continue our look inside the brains of the operation here at TPRBT.
Today it's Mike P.
1. What kind of pasta are you?Cellenaini. I’ve got a rigid surface, but I’m a sturdy person.
2. What's your stance on parking: Backing in or front-first?Always back into the space. Not only is it proper, but it demonstrates way more skill. If you’ve got what it takes to back into a spot on a crowded street, you’re a winner. And, parking spots are a lot like life: To the victor go the spoils.
3. If you had three months' severance pay, how would you spend your time?I’d lose my pants and sleep all day, periodically checking my bank account to see how much my company thought of me. On occasion, I’d go by the office and sit outside, just to see all the schmucks who wanted me gone. Hey, it’s a public sidewalk. Pay me to leave that, too.
4. If someone offered you a bite of their desert, would you take it and why?Absolutely. I’m not a psycho. Plus it’s free.
5. Which of the four main characters best fits your personality?I’m a mix between Jerry and George. I’m a born leader, and when I lived in my hometown, my house was the meeting point. And I’m neat, too. Thank God I’m 15 pounds overweight, otherwise people would think I’m a homosexual. And I’ve broken up with a woman for using poor grammar.
But I’m like George because I’ve very particular about almost everything, and I analyze just about everything to death. I’m sure there are more, but I’ve got to go to work soon.
6. If you had one to spare, would you spare a square?Of course, I would. But if one hand touches me from underneath that wall, so help me, God, I’m going to take aim over it.
7. How long would you wait in the restaurant lobby for a good meal?I’d wait about a half-hour, depending on what I’ve got to do. I once waited at Olive Garden for 45 minutes on Valentine’s Day when I was 17. I’m not sure I’d ever do that again, though, and I like the breadsticks a lot.
8. Could you win The Contest? I’ve already won a contest. Back in college, my best friend and I tried it. He made it 42 days, so he said; he’s a lot like George, a liar. Even with that knowledge, I pushed myself, and my will, and lasted 153 days. I’ll never do that again, either.
9. What's the combination to your vault?Tequila, nachos and gnocchi. Not at the same time, though. Could you imagine the mess?
10. Would you bring a date to an open surgery?Probably. I’d be the one making excuses to bail, even if it were my own. But if I had to go, I’d want to take someone down with me. But I don’t get dates, so I’d probably go alone anyway.
11. Which one of Jerry's many girlfriends is your favorite?I’m a big sucker for Lori Loughlin, Patty – the one who unleashes Jerry’s anger. Boy, would I be in trouble for doing things to my Aunt Becky. I’d have to move to West Virginia or something.
12. If you were going to change your name, what would it be?It’d be Squints Palledorous or Zack Morris. Either one would be killer. Think of the women would flock to me. I’d have all the Kelly Kapowskis and Wendy Peffercorns of the world.
13. Seven or Soda?Seven, definitely. It’s not that I don’t care for soda; I do. I just think Seven’s a stronger name … like Mug.
14. Would you give the Pig Man a ride home?It depends. Is he wearing pants or shoes? Because no one gets in my car without pants or shoes.
15. If it's hovering above the cylinder, is it garbage?It depends on how delicious said object was. There are grey areas in life, you know.
16. Who's your favorite explorer?Zebulon Pike: The man who gave us Pike’s Peak. I did a report on him in fifth grade. Well, my mom did most of the work. But I read it – some of it, at least.
17. Brett had "Desparado". What's your song?It’s Green Day’s “Basket Case.” I swear, it doesn’t matter what I’m doing; if I hear that song, I’m dead to the world.
18. Is soup a meal?What kind of soup? Lately, soup, and only soup, has been my lunch. The cream of mushroom is very filling, as are any of the Chunky soups. Those are meals. But you don’t order soup in a restaurant and call that a meal. Unless you’re retarded or something – like Billy.
19. Would you rather date the blind or the deaf?I’d rather date the deaf. Sight is important to me. I like playing games and being athletic, and blindness, I imagine, would make them very difficult. I love talking – and typing – but at least my deaf woman could read my lips. I can learn to live with that.
20. Which of all the salted cured meats do you find to be the most sensual?Ham, easily. Ham is good for all occasions except for Thanksgiving. But I’m still thankful for it.